Ancient Elixirs to Modern Healing
Poisson Team

Ancient Elixirs to Modern Healing

The line between poison and medicine is often a fine one. Throughout history, humans have harnessed the potent forces of nature, transforming what can kill into what can cure. This paradoxical relationship between toxicity and healing underscores much of traditional and modern pharmacology. 
Poisson derives its name as a homage to the alchemical art of turning natural plants into poison & elixirs with life saving properties.
Let's explore the pivotal moments in history where humanity harnessed the dual natural of botanicals to foster healing & innovation! 


The Dawn of Discovery: 400 B.C. - The Age of Hippocrates

The journey begins in Ancient Greece, where Hippocrates, the father of medicine, first cataloged the healing properties of willow bark, a natural source of what would become aspirin. Even then, the Greeks were aware of the fine balance between cure and poison, a concept encapsulated in the phrase "the dose makes the poison."

The Silk Road and Beyond: 200 B.C. - 500 A.D.
As trade routes like the Silk Road expanded, so did the exchange of medicinal knowledge. The traders brought back not just silk and spices but also tales of exotic poisons used by distant civilizations, some of which held the secret to unparalleled medical remedies. Among these was the story of the Chinese using arsenic, a known poison, in small doses to treat syphilis and psoriasis.

Alchemy and the Middle Ages: 500 - 1500 A.D.

In medieval Europe, alchemists toiled in secrecy, attempting to transmute base metals into gold. However, their true legacy lay in their experimental elixirs. They discovered that belladonna, deadly in high quantities, could be an antidote to opium poisoning. This era underscored the belief that within every poison lay a potential cure.

The Age of Exploration: 1500 - 1700 A.D.
The discovery of the New World brought European settlers face to face with the potent botanicals of the Americas. They learned from Indigenous peoples about the curare vine, whose lethal poison, when administered correctly, could relax muscles for surgeries. This period marked the beginning of understanding the complexity of natural compounds.

The Birth of Pharmacology: 1800s

The 19th century witnessed the birth of pharmacology, a science that owes its existence to the age-old practice of studying poisons. Scientists began isolating active ingredients from plants, transforming them into the first modern medicines. The foxglove plant, once a deadly heart poison, gave rise to digitalis, a lifesaver for heart patients. For example, Willow Bark (Salix alba): Used since 400 B.C. for pain relief, it wasn’t until the 18th century that scientists began to isolate what would become aspirin.

Modern Miracles: 20th Century Onwards

The 20th century and beyond have seen the advent of revolutionary drugs derived from historical poisons. The Pacific yew tree, once considered a toxic hazard, yielded Taxol, a chemotherapy drug. This era has been defined by our ability to delve deeper into the molecular heart of nature's poisons, unlocking their healing potential.


POISSON : A Legacy Reimagined

Today, POISSON stands as a testament to this millennia-long journey. Our supplement is a carefully crafted blend of natural ingredients, each with a history as rich and complex as the tapestry of human innovation itself. This careful combination of Fungi, Algae, and Roots were selected for their medicinal properties, refined by centuries of discovery and understanding from these age-old practices.

 By carefully selecting and combining ingredients known for their healing properties, we have created a supplement that embodies the balance between poison and antidote. Each ingredient contributes its unique properties, offering a spectrum of health benefits that support the body’s natural healing processes.

Harnessing the dual nature of 13 powerful ingredients to offer a comprehensive solution for modern health challenges. 

Poisson's Ingredients Through History

  • Mushrooms: The Ancient Healers
    Mushrooms like Reishi, Lionsmane, and Chaga have been revered in Eastern medicine for millennia. While certain mushrooms can be toxic, these varieties have been used as potent antidotes to various ailments, from boosting the immune system to enhancing cognitive function. Their history is a testament to the belief that nature offers both the ailment and its cure.
  • Chlorella: The Detoxifying Algae
    Chlorella, a green algae, has been a source of nourishment and detoxification for centuries. Its ability to bind to heavy metals and toxins, effectively removing them from the body, illustrates the delicate balance between harmful substances and their natural counters.
  • Sea Moss: The Ocean's Medicine
    Rich in minerals and vitamins, Sea Moss has played a crucial role in traditional coastal medicine. It exemplifies the principle that the ocean, while treacherous, is also a source of life-saving nutrients.
  • Turmeric: The Golden Spice of Healing
    Turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic medicine as both a culinary spice and a medicinal herb. While in high doses it can be problematic, in the right amounts, it serves as a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.
  • Ginger: The Root of Wellness
    Ginger, with its potent medicinal properties, has been used to treat ailments ranging from nausea to inflammation. Its history as a remedy highlights the fine line between using herbs for healing and the potential for discomfort in excess.
  • Beet Root: The Earth's Blood
    Beet Root's deep red color has long been associated with vitality and blood health. Ancient cultures used it as both food and medicine, aware of its potent effects on blood pressure and circulation.
  • Ashwagandha: The Stress-Relieving Herb
    In traditional Indian medicine, Ashwagandha has been used to rejuvenate and heal. Its power as an adaptogen—to reduce stress and balance the body—embodies the ancient wisdom of using nature to heal nature.

A Modern Alchemy

 In every capsule of POISSON we capture the essence of this historical alchemy, offering a modern remedy that echoes the ancient wisdom of turning nature's poisons into life-enhancing elixirs. As we continue to explore and understand the natural world,  POISSON is a reminder of the enduring power of botanicals to heal, nurture, and transform lives.

 POISSON is more than just a name; it is a narrative woven through the annals of history, celebrating humanity's enduring quest to harness the medicinal might of the natural world. In this ongoing story, every plant, every poison turned elixir, contributes to the legacy of healing and health we are proudly carrying forward.

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