Are Your Supplements & Vitamins Toxic?
Poisson Team

Are Your Supplements & Vitamins Toxic?

With anything that you do daily, the purity and composition of a daily supplement and vitamin are extremely important.  While supplements and vitamins that promise enhanced health and vitality, are not all created equal.

Many common supplements on the market contain ingredients that could potentially do more harm than good.

This article delves into the concerning additives found in most supplements and vitamins while highlighting how Poisson offers a clean and effective natural alternative. 

Common Toxic Ingredients in Supplements

Take a look at the label the next time you're browsing the supplement aisle, consumers are often met with a dizzying array of choices, many of which contain the following potentially harmful ingredients: 

  • Artificial Colors (e.g., Blue 1, Red 40): Used to make supplements more visually appealing, these synthetic dyes have been linked to allergic reactions and behavioral issues in sensitive individuals.

  • Titanium Dioxide: Often used as a coloring or whitening agent, titanium dioxide has raised concerns regarding its safety when ingested over long periods, with some studies suggesting potential inflammatory responses.

  • Magnesium Stearate: While generally considered safe in small quantities, some argue that this flow agent could interfere with nutrient absorption and may contribute to a suppressed immune response with prolonged use.

  • Propylene Glycol: Used as a solvent or to enhance absorption, propylene glycol is also found in antifreeze and can cause irritation and potentially toxic effects in large amounts.

  • Sodium Benzoate: A preservative that, when combined with ascorbic acid (vitamin C), can form benzene, a known carcinogen. Though the risk is low, the potential for this reaction is a concern.

  • Artificial Sweeteners (e.g., Sucralose, Aspartame): Added to make supplements more palatable, these sweeteners have been linked to digestive upset, headaches, and in some studies, adverse metabolic effects.

Our Promise: Purity and Potency

In stark contrast to supplements laden with synthetic additives, Poisson prides itself on its commitment to natural, whole-food-based ingredients. Each element is carefully selected for its health benefits, bioavailability, and synergistic potential, ensuring consumers receive a potent and pure product.

  • Whole-Food-Based Ingredients: From Reishi mushroom to Ashwagandha, Poissons ingredients are sourced from nature, offering a spectrum of bioavailable vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and adaptogens without the addition of synthetic toxins.

  • No Artificial Additives: Poisson is free from artificial colors, sweeteners, and preservatives, ensuring that consumers receive only what they need for optimal health and nothing more.

  • Transparent Labeling: Poisson believes in full transparency, providing consumers with detailed information about the amount, type, and purpose of each ingredient, empowering them to make informed choices about their supplementation.

Incorporating Poisson into Your Wellness Routine

Adopting Poisson into your daily regimen is a simple yet profound step towards enhancing your health naturally. With just 4 capsules in the morning and another 4 in the afternoon or before a workout, you can confidently support your well-being without concern for hidden toxins or synthetic additives.

As the supplement industry continues to grow, so does the importance of discerning choice. With Poisson delivers a trustworthy, effective option that not only supports their health goals but also aligns with a commitment to purity and natural ingredients. Choosing Poisson, individuals can navigate the supplement aisle with confidence, knowing they are nurturing their bodies with the best that nature has to offer, free from the hidden toxins that mar so many other products.

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